Industrial centrifugal fans are devices used to move large volumes of air or gas in industrial environments. They are called "centrifugal" because they use centrifugal force to move air or gas through the ventilation system. These fans consist of a blade rotor that rotates inside a cylindrical housing, called a "casing."

Air or gas enters the casing through an inlet nozzle located on the side of the device, then is accelerated towards the rotor, where centrifugal force pushes it outward towards the top of the casing, where it is expelled through an outlet nozzle located on the top of the device.

These fans are used in a wide range of industrial applications, including ventilation of production areas, air cleaning in purification plants, and air conditioning of workspaces. They can be designed in various shapes and sizes to fit specific application needs.




The use of industrial centrifugal fans depends on the specific requirements of the application. However, in general, they are used to move large volumes of air or gas in industrial environments.

Here are some examples of how they can be used:

  • Ventilation: centrifugal fans can be used to extract stale air or fumes produced during the production process and replace it with fresh air from outside. This improves the air quality inside the workspace, creating healthier and safer conditions for operators.
  • Air cleaning: these fans can be used in air purification plants to remove impurities or contaminants present in the air, such as dust, smoke, harmful gases, and odors.
  • Air conditioning of workspaces: centrifugal fans can be used to cool or heat the air inside the workspace, improving the thermal comfort of operators and increasing the efficiency of the production process.
  • Smoke extraction: centrifugal fans can be used to extract fumes produced during the welding process, reducing the exposure of operators to harmful substances and improving the air quality inside the workspace.

Vapor and gas extraction: these fans can be used to extract vapors or gases produced during the processing of chemicals, improving the safety of operators and the workspace environment. In any case, the use of industrial centrifugal fans must be supported by adequate design and installation of the ventilation system to ensure maximum performance and energy efficiency.

Our products

Our company offers a wide range of these products. Here are some examples:

  • CA SERIES and SR SERIES, SRQL, RLD - RL: Suction and transport of clean or slightly dusty air for various applications in industrial plants and air conditioning.
  • CB SERIES: For the suction of clean air, vapors, where large volumes of air are moved with low pressures.
  • GF SERIES: Suction and transport of clean or dusty air, even containing low quantities of sawdust, various chips, granular materials, except filamentous materials.
  • GR - RH SERIES: Suction and transport of clean or slightly dusty air. Suitable for the transport of solid materials mixed with air, chips, and sawdust with a fan not crossed by the material.
  • VC/N- VG/N - VI/N - VH/N SERIES: Suction and transport of clean air. With a fan not crossed for pneumatic transport, drying, pressurization, cooling.
  • P, SA, SC Series: For exhaust gas aspirators, used in the automatic machinery industry, plastics industry, and granulators.
  • ZA – ZB SERIES Suction and transport of very dusty air with suspended material also containing sawdust, various shavings, granular materials. ● ZC-ZD-ZM SERIES Suction and transport of very dusty air, with material in suspension, also containing sawdust, various shavings, granular materials, filamentary materials
  • SERIE ZC-ZD-ZM Aspirazione e trasporto di aria molto polverosa, con materiale in sospensione, anche contenente segatura, trucioli vari, materiali granulari, materiali filamentosi.

Meridiana Aspiratori has acquired over time technical and executive skills, whose competitive advantage lies in playing the role, not only of a supplier of high-quality products but also of unique services, such as consulting and engineering of industrial ventilation and suction systems, designed and processed based on the real needs of each individual customer.

What are the difficulties that may arise in the convective transport of hot gases,i.e. at a temperature higher than 60°C?
Fluids with a temperature greater or equal than 60°C can cause various damages to the structures that transport them.

Although steel alloy technology has made great strides, especially in the development of heat-resistant alloys, hot fluids can still cause thermal expansion and this expansion often causes irreversible deformations in the structures that carry them.

In addition to technical damages, these deformations can give rise to real accidents due to the leakage of gases, with consequent damages to environment and people.

It is therefore extremely necessary to provide to the cooling of these gases,and even to their ventilation..

Technology for ventilating hot gases

Meridiana aspiratori studied a technology which manages how to cool and, simultaneously, ventilate gases at temperatures higher than 60°C.



As shown in the figure, this technology consists of a metallic heat diffuser mounted on the fan hub. The diffuser has a small fan that allows the hot gases to pass through it.
Exactly as occurs in common computers, but in a more extended way, the contact of the gases with the heat diffuser cools the hot gases that can be put back into the convective circle forced by the fan. dal ventilatore.
As simple as it is useful, this technology represents an optimal solution to avoid structural thermal deformation phenomena.
Although the high temperature gases circulate for a short distance in the fan, the contact with the heat diffuser cools these gases very quickly, avoiding anomalous deformations,

Same as it happens in computers.

In a nutshell, our idea was precisely to apply a technology already widespread in the electronic field to successfully integrate the structures of our fans, making them effective in the forced convective transport of gases at temperatures higher than 60°C..

know how to manage both the production and financial aspects well. With this in mind, the tax credit is a facility that the State makes available to businesses for the investment of tangible and intangible assets.


Il The tax credit 4.0 helps achieve what is commonly referred to asindustria 4.0or the process of industrial automation that, thanks to the use of the internet, tends to optimize and speed up production. The aim of the latest industrial revolution is to automate and make industrial production systems more efficient and interconnected.

What is the tax credit 4.0?


While the tax credit epresents an incentive that the company can claim from the State to cover any of its debts, The tax credit 4.0which is part of the Transition 4.0 plan, concerns investments in new tangible and intangible capital goods aimed at the technological and digital transformation of the production processes of companies that produce within the State's territory.


Tra i Among the tangible assets 4.0 Industrial suction and cooling systems, if equipped with filtration, are in fact included in the tangible assets 4.0 Annex 'A' of the budget law, for which the incentive is confirmed to the extent of 50 per cent (no longer 40 per cent) of the purchase cost of the complete system with a total value of up to EUR 2.5 million.


How to apply for the tax credit?


To take advantage The tax credit 4.0it is important to take into account certain criteria and deadlines. While initially it was possible to claim this type of credit only until December 31, 2022, an extension of the bonus was established until June 2023 and, in some cases, until 2025(tangible assets 4.0 bonus).

Who is eligible for the tax credit 4.0?

There are many possible beneficiaries of the tax credit promoted by Industry 4.0. In fact, it can be accessed by all companies resident in the territory of the Stateregardless of their legal form, economic sector, size and tax regime.


However, two requirements are considered essential to enjoy this benefit. Companies must:


  • comply with workplace safety regulations
  • regularly pay workers the social security and welfare contributions to which they are contractually entitled.


You can take advantage of the tax credit 4.0 by installing an air extractor controlled by our state-of-the-art Cerebro system in your company.If you would like to learn more, please contact us for a consultation via e-mail or telephone.

Industrial vacuum cleaners are a vitally important tool for companies of any size structures and compartmental.

The importance of correct air recirculation and a correct and stable room temperature averages is essential for the health and well-being of employees as well as for the conservation of machines and systems.

In large working environments and industrial sheds, the energy used is decidedly greater than that used in small buildings, it is therefore of fundamental importance that the temperature remains constant, in order to prevent overheating from causing damage to the machinery and risks to the health of workers.

In these cases, industrial fans are the best solution, because they allow a constant internal temperature of the environment and safeguard the production area, avoiding overheating of the machinery both during the day and during the night, where all the windows for reasons of security, they remain closed. The result is less maintenance, a healthy environment and optimization of energy consumption.

What are the types of fans to use?

Axial fans and tower fans are particularly used to resolve air exchange and heat dissipation in industrial premises. They have specific characteristics and are able to guarantee correct ventilation and oxygenation in many areas during working hours and at night.

Axial fan        

Axial fans are ideal aspirators for applications where high air flow rates are required and are suitable for different types of aspiration such as gases, fumes and vapours. They can be used for other uses such as ventilation, drying and cooling.

Turret or Roof extract fan

The turret roof extractor fan is to be used mounted on the ceiling for direct suction on rooms to be ventilated or conveyed in pipes up to the roof.

The electric motor and the fan, statically and dynamically balanced, guarantee maximum silence. The turret, in special execution on request, can operate in continuous service up to a temperature of 200°C.

The applications of industrial fans require a great ability to adapt to the specifications of each project and flexibility in adaptation, for this reason we at Meridiana Aspiratori promote a policy of system customization and product engineering for a correct balance between specific environmental and optimization of maintenance costs and energy costs.


Steam and moisture are by-products of many industrial production processes. But they can have an extremely negative effect on working conditions.

Humidity is an important factor in people's perception of comfort, excessive levels can cause a significant drop in productivity and can lead to the accumulation of condensation or mold damaging the quality of production, equipment and the building itself.

This control of humidity levels is particularly critical in the food industry. Moisture is a carrier of bacteria, increases the risk of contamination and can reduce the shelf life and shelf life of products.

Ventilate or heat?



And there are different approaches to controlling humidity levels in manufacturing facilities. The use of locally extracting industrial fans that prevents moisture from reaching the general environment is more cost-effective than general dilution ventilation, but for both methods the controlled introduction of replacement hot air is often the key to an effective solution.

Each structure has different needs, for this reason it becomes essential to consider factors such as the level of humidity released by the production process, the internal temperature of the building, the maximum relative humidity in each season and the heat transfer capacity. Only by taking into account all the variables involved can an industrial ventilation system be obtained that is not only effective but also efficient in terms of consumption.

Contact us and request a quote, one of our consultants will be ready to help you find the best solution for your company:


Some studies have ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top five environmental problems we face today. The importance of indoor air quality in the workplace is critical to its direct impact on quality of life. In particular, if you suffer from specific health problems (for example, allergies or asthma).


What is indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term that refers to the quality of the air in and around buildings and structures.

It is important to understand how it affects indoor environments and control the most common pollutants to minimize indoor health problems.


What impact does it have on us?

Indoor air quality is now a hotly debated topic, thanks to a growing body of research highlighting the impact that poor indoor air quality can have on people's health. According to the Global Burden of Disease study, 2.3 million deaths were attributed to indoor pollution in 2019.

Poor indoor air quality can be caused by a combination of pollutants, and most come from sources inside buildings, although some also originate outside.

Internal sources:

Indoor combustion sources, including tobacco, heating and cooking appliances and fireplaces, can release harmful combustion products such as carbon monoxide and particulate matter directly into the indoor environment.

Cleaning products, paints, insecticides and other commonly used products introduce many different chemicals, including volatile organic compounds, directly into the air.

Building materials are also potential sources, either through materials that degrade (e.g., asbestos fibres released from building insulation) or through new materials (e.g., chemical off-gassing of pressed wood products). Other substances present in indoor air are of natural origin, such as radon or mold.


External sources:

Outdoor air pollutants can enter buildings through open doors and windows, ventilation systems and cracks in structures. Some pollutants also enter the interior through the foundations of buildings. For example, radon is formed in soil due to the decay of naturally occurring uranium in rocks and soils. Radon can then penetrate buildings through cracks or interstices of structures.

Volatile chemicals in water supplies can also enter indoor air when building occupants use water.

Finally, when people enter buildings, they can inadvertently bring from outside the earth and dust they have on their shoes and clothes, along with the pollutants that adhere to these particles.


The importance of indoor air quality

According to some studies, the level of pollutants in indoor environments is usually two to five times higher than that of outdoor levels. In some cases, indoor pollutants can be 100 times more harmful than their external equivalents.

Poor air quality can cause coughing, eye irritation and headaches in the short term, but also more serious problems in the long term if exposure is continuous.

Poor air quality, for example due to dirty vents or filters and the consequent exposure to pollutants can lead to prolonged illnesses, which lead to the need to take time off work, thus hindering productivity.

Discover the entire line of Meridiana vacuum cleaners and choose the model that best suits the needs of your company:

Industrial production plants produce a lot of hot air during daily production processes. Whether it's a metal forge, a paper press, a glass furnace or a compressor room, there is plenty of hot air. Fortunately, industrial fans are suitable for expelling hot air and improving the condition of the building.


Here are the main advantages of investing in industrial ventilation: industrial ventilation:


Industrial ventilation equipment, such as fans and wall grilles, improves the building's airflow. Using the principles of natural ventilation, a vent on the roof expels suffocating air and the wall vent injects fresh air. This increase in air exchange makes the structure cooler and more comfortable. The right industrial ventilation system allows temperatures to be lowered by 1°C or more.


    One of the key advantages of installing industrial fans is the ability to control the entire airflow inside the facility. Whether it's a simple control switch or fully automated controls, an intelligent solution allows precise air control, allowing you to adapt to production variations, internal temperatures and external factors, creating a comfortable working environment.



    High temperatures can create a number of problems. From dehydration to equipment deterioration, the risks are numerous. Lower temperatures help protect workers and mitigate indoor pollution levels.



    The likelihood of an immediate reaction to poor air quality depends on several factors, such as age and the possible presence of existing diseases.

    Some effects may only occur in the years following prolonged exposure to poor ventilation, including respiratory disease, heart disease, and cancer. In some cases, these problems can be fatal.

    However, it can be difficult to pinpoint a specific concentration or period of exposure that may produce health problems due to poor ventilation, while the likelihood of significant long-term health effects varies from person to person.

    For these and other reasons, proper ventilation is essential to ensure worker safety.

    Contact us, one of our consultants will be ready to help you find the most effective ventilation solution for your company, click here.

It's easy to install ventilation equipment and think you're done, but like anything designed to protect workers' health, proper scheduled maintenance and service are critical if you want to ensure it continues to work well over time.

So, what are the benefits of scheduled and preventive maintenance?

  1. The ventilation system works best. If a plant is clean, it will operate at full capacity, as there will be no friction with dust, dirt and other debris that can inevitably end up in the plant.

  1. Management costs,

They are significantly reduced if you follow a planned preventive care regimen, instead of dealing with failures on a case-by-case basis. Requesting interventions on a weekly basis is much more expensive than a scheduled maintenance service on your own needs.


  1. Fewer spare parts.

With failures come the costs of spare parts, as the system is often not repairable. A dedicated staff member will have to continually tidy up spare parts when their time could be better spent on other tasks. Not to mention the costs involved in the continuous reordering of new spare parts.


  1. User errors or training gaps can be identified.

This could be the cause of all kinds of problems, such as extra pressure on the system. Operator training is essential and can help ensure that systems do not break.


Taking into account these activities, the staff will have the right tools and skills to use the machinery correctly and to keep it clean, and maintenance will be scheduled in advance in order to always guarantee maximum efficiency, so as to allow the company to continue to grow.

Transition 4.0 2022 confirms, and extends, the tax relief model started in 2017 for innovative interconnected assets, referred to as 'Industry 4.0' assets.

Industrial suction and cooling systems, if equipped with filtration, are in fact included in the tangible assets 4.0 Annex 'A' of the budget law, for which the incentive is confirmed to the extent of 50 per cent (no longer 40 per cent) of the purchase cost of the complete system with a total value of up to EUR 2.5 million.

The term Industry 4.0 refers to the process of industrial automation that aims to create smarter, faster and more efficient production departments. In other words, the goal of this 4th industrial revolution is to implement a series of transformations to achieve smart, automated and networked production systems.

A new way of producing and organising work, that of Industry 4.0, thanks to a mix of advanced technologies covering four fundamental digital aspects:

  • Data collection and analysis. Application of predictive analysis technologies such as machine learning, thus enabling maintenance that anticipates and prevents breakdowns and plant shutdowns.
  • Connections between machines thanks to technologies such as cloud computing, machine-to-machine and the Internet of Things;
  • Human-machine interaction made even simpler and more intuitive by touch interfaces;
  • Technologies that make the transition from digital to real, such as 3D printing and robotics.


But which air extraction and air treatment systems are eligible for Industry 4.0 concessions?

  • All the centralised suction systems for the purification of fumes, dust or fumes provided that a filtration system is present, e.g. with bag or pocket cartridges. The reason is very simple: in addition to having a plant->company interface, the 4.0 system must be able to monitor in real time the status of the filters and any other components such as probes, solenoid valves, etc.
  • All the industrial air treatment plantswith particular reference to cooling systems intended for air conditioning of warehouses or large buildings, of great interest to our customers who wish to operate machinery and operators in a temperature-controlled environment.

Are you interested in this type of facilitation? Contact us, our staff will be at your disposal to clarify any doubts and provide tailor-made advice for your company.

CEREBRO™'s predictive and reactive system operates on the basis of a series of algorithms that manage, sometimes even overlapping to increase capacity and calculation accuracy, entire process systems. Eolo System, for example, is responsible for managing variable speed with constant pressure or temperature. Its predictive capacity analyses every second the point of operation during atmospheric emissions from tribo probes, or the clogging status of filtering systems, and thanks to the StepHertz function it allows an acceleration scale to be defined on the basis of what is set in the frequency converter, but definable directly by the system operator, who is the only one who really knows how to make his machinery work at its best.

Within reach of the operator in real time

Cerebro was developed with a view to making the technology we already have available flexible and usable. The software, therefore, is a user interface within the reach of any operator, always active and compliant with all the latest operating systems and hardware, and ready for operation with LAN or 3G/4G connection. Thanks to this technology, the maintenance technician can check the health status of the filters at any time, modify the firing latency times for pneumatic cleaning, switch from automatic to manual mode or control the pause times for post-cleaning. All from the phone or computer.

Its SSL-encrypted protections and crash recovery support site without direct bridge to the end user guarantee the usability of the product and the highest possible security, making it an irreplaceable companion in the working day of all those operators responsible for the safety and functionality of process systems, for multiple companies of even radically different sizes and characteristics. Changing the parameters of a frequency converter without having to open the switchboard door with the danger of working under voltage? Today it can be done. CEREBRO™ offers several options in setup, including parameter modification from the outside, and above all remotely for the frequency converter, for the operator panels and numerous external devices with variable functions according to user needs. How could it be missing in such a health-conscious system? eMI will instantly update us on what is happening out of the ordinary with an instant decoding of the drive's error message. All elements under its control will be viewable and any abnormal intervention, from thermal trip to exceeding the warning threshold for filter pressure, will be displayed.AirFlow will allow us to check and monitor the characteristic curve of the fan and the working point of the system. The system works exclusively with the pre-loading of the curve information provided by MZ Aspiratori SpA.

Contact us for more information on the CEREBRO™ automation system.
