We are pleased to announce the recent partnership between our Company and WEG, a leading company in the production of electric motors. This collaboration is a confirmation of our constant commitment to providing increasingly advanced and sustainable solutions to our Clients.



The strength of WEG in the electric motors sector is a perfect complement to our vision of innovation and sustainability. This partnership enables us to provide our Clients with access to cutting-edge technologies and contribute to energy optimization with increasingly green objectives.

We believe that collaborating with WEG will strategically position us to face future challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the electric motors market. Our shared vision for innovation will guide us in creating state-of-the-art solutions, creating lasting value for our Clients and the industry in which we operate.

We look forward with great enthusiasm to the collaborative future with WEG, confident that together we will significantly contribute to the success and evolution of industrial ventilation and extraction systems. We are ready to overcome any challenge, where innovation and sustainability have always been the fundamental pillars of our success.

In the complex industrial sector there are various types of machinery and instruments useful for the production and processing of materials and more. An example concerns companies that deal with chemical products, where a fundamental component is suction and all the various related products. In fact, it allows fumes and waste to escape during external manufacturing processes. A healthy air that is not only important for the correct development of production processes, but also for protecting the health of employees and workers of a given industry or company. Let's examine them in this sense Industrial vacuum cleaners there are different types such as those for chips or powders; or even how to deal with filters and portable suction models. A 360 degree analysis of what are increasingly indispensable elements in industrial production. Without aspiration there would be no conservation of the conditions preparatory to the production processes of many fields of action.

Industrial dust extractors: what are they?

As highlighted in the introduction, in the vast field of industry there are many tools for processing and preserving certain environmental conditions. Industrial vacuum cleaners they are divided into categories, e tra queste vi sono anche quelli per polveri. Stiamo parlando di quelle polveri sottili che vengono fuori dai processi produttivi quando si ha a che fare con composti chimici. Scorie che devono necessariamente essere aspirate non solo per una questione di resa finale del prodotto ma anche per tutelare la salute di operai e addetti ai lavori. Quindi l’aspirazione avviene per condurre dall’interno della struttura verso l’esterno fumi e polveri del genere. Ve ne sono alcuni multiuso, altri specifici proprio per le polveri: comunque sia in ambo le circostanze l’utilità di macchinari simili è essenziale.

What are industrial fume extractors?

Like dust extractors, fume extractors are also important for preserving working conditions. In fact, in an industry there are many corrosive actions, which deteriorate materials and objects with which a discussion of processing is undertaken. Chemical fumes are among the most harmful and harmful to the health of workers. So in the case of these aspirators there are filters and mechanisms inside the instrument in question which, equipped with a powerful motor, sucks in and cleans air, fumes and dust. Everything is brought outwards to make the air as healthy and unaltered as possible.

What do industrial chip vacuum cleaners consist of?

Chips represent a further form of waste resulting from industrial production processes: this together with fumes and dust. In this case, however, they are small pieces or sheets of materials, resulting in excess to be eliminated. This excess is also sucked up here by the means mentioned, which they don't need to filter but only and solely to aspire. Therefore different functions depending on the case, and therefore on the waste involved. The multipurpose vacuum cleaner is excellent in these circumstances, as it removes liquids, fumes and other materials mentioned so far.

What to do with filters for industrial vacuum cleaners?

Having said about the various types of extraction seen so far, in this paragraph we move on to analyze the filters of industrial vacuum cleaners. A central element in the function that this machinery covers in the cleaning of a work environment such as the company one indicated above. Especially when it comes to chemical, pharmacological and similar sectors, where most of the components are harmful to humans, filtering becomes fundamental. Cleaning the filter itself is also essential. In fact, if the cleaning and maintenance of the suction device is not done consistently, malfunctions may occur. Therefore, minimizing risk areas in the presence of combustible dust, eliminating contamination, and protecting the health of workers are three interlinked parameters that act on each other. A context in which aspiration is a determining factor.

How to choose excellent industrial vacuum cleaners?

First of all, to choose excellent industrial vacuum cleaners you need to delve into the dimensions and an excellent mix of quantity and quality. In fact, very often it is necessary to act in very small waste removal areas, which is why having a precise aspirator available is essential. Not that the standard dimensions are so invasive, but it is clear that customized ones, like the products offered on our site, are more suitable for use in various industrial contexts. There are several brands of caliber producing similar fans, whatever they are centrifugal or axial, equipped with copper, zinc and other materials that are really resistant and easy to clean or in case of maintenance to repair or in case they are needed new accessories that you can find on our site. Furthermore, the vacuum cleaners we offer are also easy to transport, which is not a bad thing, especially when the areas to be covered are large as in the case of company chemical production structures for example. Giant and majestic rooms where the work of vacuuming and removing waste is truly remarkable, and requires cutting-edge equipment like the ones in question. Another important aspect is the internal motor power, which obviously must be commensurate with the size of the area to be vacuumed. However, with an optimal product, you have the absolute guarantee of optimal performance, and above all longevity of the instrumentation over time. This aspect should not be ignored or underestimated, since sometimes repairs or having to resort to continuous maintenance can slow down the work and be annoying. So resistance, power, efficiency and quality are the key words when talking about industrial vacuum cleaners. In summary, aspiration promotes correct processing and production in any sector. Therefore it is prepared as a preparatory element for the aforementioned field. The absence of similar tools would be harmful and would have an impact not only on the protection of the health of industrial workers, but also on the final yield of a given product.


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Within the industrial sector there are various elements and tools for production, but also for climate conversion and conservation and processing. Precisely from the perspective of technology and industrial processes, the analysis of the main object of focus in question is placed: the frequency converterA essential ring for the production and development of certain sectors. Let's try to understand the main characteristics, what it is used for, the three-phase converter models, and the purposes. A broad review that explores the industrial frequency converter in every part as an instrument of great importance and value.



Convertitore di frequenza industriale informazioni utili

What is a frequency converter used for?

Let's start in the examination of the industrial frequency converter from the main purpose of this instrument. So let's answer the question “what is a frequency converter used for”. The answer is soon given: this element serves to transform mechanical or electrical input signals into other types of output signals. The ultimate purpose is to make the signal intelligible and readable, for machine control and data acquisition. Therefore a sort of communicative interlude for human-machine interaction which is very useful in industrial processes of any kind and sector. The alternating voltage is thus managed by the user thanks to the intervention of the converter. An alternating voltage that is changed into a variable on the level of a more general discussion regarding amplitude. In fact, the basic electrical network is unable to regulate the output voltage, which therefore must be managed by means of a transformer like the one described. It can be used to vary the speed of a motore from zero to nominal without any problems or interruptions. A key factor in the area of ​​interest as it shortens processing times which would otherwise be quite long. In this way, the workers in the sector who interface with these industrial dynamics have the possibility of adapting the control technique to the conditions of the moment. Last but not least, the direction and management of the rotation: it can also be set using a converter, which also succeeds in this task. Three-phase motors above all require rotation direction control as a result of their high processing capacity.

What are three-phase frequency converters?

In the context of frequency converters we also note some specific models such as three-phase ones, equipped with a motor with a greater capacity. In addition to the more well-known inverters such as those for current and voltage control, we also have the three-phase model. They diverge from traditional formats due to their more complex and effective signal conversion capacity. Definitely cutting-edge skills that are used in processing circumstances that require high process and transformation skills. So in simple terms, compared to other models, the three-phase model has the peculiarity of converting input and output signals with greater speed and range.

What are static frequency converters?

Another important distinction to make when talking about electrical and frequency converters is that between static and dynamic models. In the case of static converters they are capable of trasformare la corrente alternata in continua e viceversa for a flow that is therefore managed in an optimal manner thanks to a similar tool. A preliminary flow setting phase which otherwise would not be settable in the absence of a converter like the one mentioned. The situation regarding the dynamic is different, a model that involves another type of transformation.

What characteristics must industrial frequency converters have?

Let us now examine what must be the main characteristics of frequency converters. Among these we find first of all a compactness of dimensions and construction materials. An aspect of no small importance since in addition to the functionality of the aforementioned industrial instrument, its preparation in terms of installation and practical insertion is also essential. Then we have a high adjustment speed, equally important as the dimensions. Tecnologia all’avanguardia e massima affidabilità the other two constituent components that make a converter an instrument of excellence and extreme value. All in order to make this electric current transformer one of the most effective means when it comes to electromechanical processes.

What technology do industrial frequency converters use?

As highlighted in the previous paragraph in which we examined what must be the peculiar characteristics of a converter, the technology with which it is equipped is certainly among the indispensable components. It must be of modern development, and therefore cutting-edge to support all the functions and skills of the industrial product in question. A frequency converter as mentioned can have different purposes and characterizations by virtue of which it is equipped with a technology that is different each time. The more complex the transformation process, the greater the capacity and number of procedures required of the aforementioned transformer. From direct current to alternating current, as in the case of static ones, or in the case of flow if they are dynamic ones; regardless of the specifics of the industrial process, technology is the main constituent element. The inverter one is certainly among the best possible for an efficient electromechanical transformation. Whether the location involves an electrical panel or wall mounting, the converter technology remains the same quality standard. The same thing can be said for decentralized assembly, which in turn differs from the two previously mentioned. In short, in the case of converter technology, one or the other described characteristic does not have much of an impact, but rather the purpose. For every type of machine or system there is a model that is similar and at the same time versatile on a functional level. The industry of these components is truly specialized and is therefore able to improve the development of the converters year after year. The technological category in particular is the one that is most capable of making continuous and constant steps forward over time, thus allowing the production and marketing of similar instruments that are increasingly performing.

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The industrial sector is a world made up of various elements that, when combined, ensure the development of a product. There are many productive fields, from food to mechanics, from metal processing to the processing of materials that make up objects functional for everyday life. However, regardless of the final result, the production chain revolves around tools among which we also find the extraction tower. torrino di estrazioneLet's see what it is and how this component represents a necessary element in certain companies. So, characterization and purpose of what in many cases is much more than a mere extractor.

What is an extraction tower

After making a necessary introduction to the topic, let's first examine the meaning of the term in question: the extraction tower. This term refers to a system used in industries for the low-pressure suction of certain volumes of air. This component is often noticed at first glance but many are unaware that it is defined in this way. To put it simply and less technically, the extraction tower is nothing more than that mushroom-shaped object that is usually connected to flues or more or less complex suction systems. It is placed on the roof of a structure to convey a certain volume of low-pressure air from the inside to the outside. Therefore, as anticipated in the introductory phase, it is a very useful element, especially when talking about chemical companies or those in contact with similar materials. Here, air filtration is fundamental both for preserving the environmental working conditions and for the protection of workers, and not just for the final product. This discussion helps us understand how this industrial component, often ignored, is actually crucial for maintaining certain environmental conditions inside a workplace. Just like its placement, the extraction tower is at the pinnacle of functionality, not just in material installation. It is the extreme point of a production chain that would otherwise be unable to fulfill its task.

Composition of the extraction tower

Having understood what the extraction tower is and particularly the context of its application, let's now shift our focus to its composition. Alvanized steel and glass in back resin are the two main components of the aforementioned object. These materials are used to make the dome and the part immediately below it functional for protection against atmospheric agents. Inside, there is a motor of varying power that drives a fan useful for air suction. This is very quiet during operation, contrary to what one might think. In fact, when thinking of an industry, the immediate thought is often of the noise and chaos from which workers have to isolate themselves using specific acoustic protection devices.

The range of extraction towers

There is a wide range of extraction towers, which you can also find on our websitediffering mainly in the power of the suction motor. There are nine different models of motors, all three-phase, providing significant drawing and subsequent filtering power. Alternatively, there are also single-phase models equipped with variable speed controllers to regulate the air flow. Depending on its characteristics, the extraction tower can operate up to a maximum temperature of 200 degrees. Such delicate operating conditions can only be sustained by materials like steel and zinc. In fact, the extraction tower is a component specifically designed as explained above to operate without any problems under the mentioned conditions.

Other technical features of the extraction tower

Let's now examine other technical features of the extraction tower, in addition to those listed so far. Among these, we find a proportional weight-to-size ratio conducive to proper functioning. This also greatly facilitates its mounting on roofs and tops of structures of interest. Indeed, the lightness of the component in question is aimed not only at its use but also at its insertion and relative installation. This factor also makes the extraction tower an extremely long-lasting element. It can last many years due to the galvanized and steel coating between the inner and outer parts. This aspect also has a positive impact on the economic side, as such exquisite manufacturing does not entail additional maintenance costs.The fan housed inside is perfectly stabilized to ensure there are no oscillations or unexpected movements. The motor powering it, being of great power in the vast majority of models, drives the fan at a high speed. This would affect the correct aspiration process if the aforementioned fan were not balanced. Not to mention the further impact on the quietness of the suction mechanism, always related to stabilization. In short, from what can be gleaned about the characterization and constitution of the tower, we are undoubtedly talking about a tool of artisanal excellence. A component that is made and designed not only for the task it must perform, but also for the protection and safeguarding of its usage conditions. The better the quality of its parts (motor, fan, etc.), the more likely it is to withstand the years. All this without having to resort to corrective and maintenance interventions, which are often not only costly but also invasive and not entirely effective. The extraction tower is therefore a key object in various types of industrial production, as it represents not just a mere air filtration and suction system, but an indispensable means for the protection of a work environment. Especially when the latter involves materials or chemical compounds, often releasing residues and fumes that absolutely need to be evacuated.

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Work environments play a crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people worldwide. From the industrial sector to the modern office, ensuring a healthy and safe work environment is a priority for companies. One fundamental aspect of achieving this goal is controlling the air quality within these environments.

In industrial sectors, especially those involving chemical production, metal processing, or the pharmaceutical industry, air control becomes even more critical for the safety of workers. The presence of hazardous chemicals or fine dust requires advanced ventilation, filtration, and emission detection systems to prevent any exposure that could be harmful to workers' health. These measures are essential to prevent accidents, illnesses, and long-term health issues.

What features should a good industrial fan have?

A good industrial fan should first and foremost be made of high-quality materials, including strong, durable, and long-lasting welds and constructions. In addition, the motor should be powerful enough to generate the force required to rotate the blades at a certain speed. The higher the power, the longer the fan's performance will last.

What to look for when choosing the best fans for industrial warehouses?

Having discussed the characteristics of the materials that should make up an excellent industrial fan, let's delve into the topic in more detail. Let's take a closer look at the details to consider when choosing such equipment for industrial warehouses. The robustness and compositional compactness of these fans are the first aspects to look at during the engineering and assembly phase. It should endure over time, as highlighted in the above paragraph, which is why its construction must be of top quality. When you compromise on materials, you get a subpar product that tends to decline in terms of performance over the years. Another detail to focus on is the level and value of the bearings, as with all accessori: they are essential for the proper functioning of an industrial fan, especially in companies such as foundries or steel mills where round-the-clock work puts a significant strain on fans. If they are of poor quality, they can compromise the production process.


At Meridiana Aspiratori we know that the high reliability of our products stems from a continuous commitment to achieving high-quality standards. We are a company that has adopted procedures for a proven QUALITY POLICY. Rigorous checks are carried out throughout the design and production phase to ensure the suitability of the assembled components and the performance of the finished product. Our commitment is continuous improvement and efficiency of the product.

Our commitment is a continuous effort to improve the product and its efficiency.

Active control of fans is of fundamental importance in many applications where it is necessary to regulate speed and airflow. This type of control offers various advantages depending on the context in which it is used.

Energy Efficiency: Active control allows for the adjustment of fan speed based on actual ventilation needs. This means that fans can operate at lower speeds when the demand for airflow is lower, saving energy and reducing operational costs.

Comfort and Indoor Air Quality: In building cooling and ventilation systems, active control helps maintain a comfortable indoor environment by adjusting fan speeds to avoid excessive drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations. It also helps maintain indoor air quality by effectively removing pollutants and allergens.

Noise Reduction:By reducing fan speeds when intense ventilation is not required, the noise generated by ventilation systems is also reduced. This is particularly important in noise-sensitive environments such as homes, hospitals, or offices.

Extended Fan Lifespan:The use of active control reduces wear and tear on fan components since they can operate at lower speeds with less mechanical stress when demand is low. This contributes to extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

Adaptation to Changing Conditions: Active control allows for adaptation to changing environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, or the presence of people in a space. This flexibility is crucial to ensuring optimal performance and a safe environment in different situations.

Enhancement of Industrial Process Performance:In industrial settings, active fan control is crucial to ensuring the proper functioning of production processes, product quality, and worker safety. It is used to control temperature, humidity, and the concentration of chemicals in the air.

At Meridiana Aspiratori we understand the importance of controlling industrial fans, which is why we rely on CEREBRO HumanDroid 4.0, a computerized brain designed to increase the safety and reliability of aspiration systems. It is a joint venture through which we pursue the same objectives, such as the constant pursuit of quality and operational efficiency.

When to suggest an alternative to centrifugal fans: axial fans

In this article we focus on the substantial differences between centrifugal and axial fans, identifying when is convenient to use the latter instead of the former.

An alternative to centrifugal fans: axial fans.

Centrifugal fans and axial fans differ in some important characteristics.

Centrifugal fans also allow the transport of very aggressive fluids with very high temperatures, which the axial fan does not allow to do.
Also, centrifugal fans are capable of delivering larger pressure drops.

On the other hand, with the axial fans is possible to obtain a greater flow rate at significantly lower purchase and installation costs than those of a centrifugal fan.

Ventilatori Assiali
Axial Fans

The axial fans are simpler to be installed than centrifugal fans because they have a smaller footprint.

Therefore, if the system transports non-aggressive fluids at low temperatures with low head losses, it is advisable to use some axial fans for fluid handling.

Meridiana Aspiratori offers to its customers a careful analysis of the cost-benefit ratio before suggesting what kind of fan can be inserted and/or replaced in a system.

Each parameter is carefully evaluated, including the size and resistance required for the transport of fluids.

Summarizing, any order requires a careful preliminary study, designed to avoid possible inconvenience and to guarantee best results and maximum satisfaction.

Our experience is a guarantee of seriousness and dedication for the customer.


Centrifugal fans are devices that move air or gas from one location to another, creating a negative pressure that draws the fluid into a filtration or ventilation system. Centrifugal fans are widely used in industry, for applications such as cooling, extraction, dust control, material handling and air exchange.

How centrifugal fans work

Centrifugal fans consist of a bladed impeller that rotates inside a drum-shaped casing. The impeller can have forward, backward or radial curved blades, depending on the type of performance required. The fluid enters the fan in an axial direction (parallel to the axis of rotation) and is accelerated by the impeller outwards, leaving the fan in a radial direction (perpendicular to the axis of rotation). The change in speed and direction of the fluid generates a change in pressure, which creates the air flow.

Advantages of centrifugal fans

Centrifugal fans offer several advantages over other types of fans, such as axial or helical fans. Among the main advantages can be mentioned:

  • High efficiency: centrifugal fans have a high efficiency, as they make best use of the mechanical energy supplied by the motor to transform it into kinetic energy of the fluid.
  • High Pressure: Centrifugal fans are capable of generating high pressure, even with low air flows. This makes them suitable for applications that require high pressure drops, such as filtration or cooling systems.
  • Low noise: centrifugal fans have a lower noise than other types of fans, as the fluid does not come into contact with the surfaces of the casing and the impeller is protected by acoustic shields.
  • Flexibility: centrifugal fans can be adjusted according to the needs of the application, by varying the rotation speed of the impeller, the number and inclination of the blades, the shape of the casing and thef connection to the system.

Meridiana Aspiratori follows the technological evolution of ventilation systems with extreme attention, welcoming and studying every innovation in order to be able to provide its customers with a cutting-edge offer that is increasingly in step with innovation in the sector.

Ventilatore centrifugo
Ventilatore centrifugo

Centrifugal fans are a pivotal component in various industrial and commercial applications such as ventilation, heating and cooling systems, and material handling. In the rapidly expanding domain of air-moving equipment, the quality and efficiency in which an air-flow system operates play a vital role in daily life. When it comes to centrifugal fans, the key component to maximize efficiency is by selecting suitable centrifugal fan accessories.This article will expand on the importance and impact of having the most relevant accessories equipped for your centrifugal fan systems.

 Types and functions of important centrifugal fan accessories

To ensure the system runs at optimum levels, safety, efficiency, and maintenance are the three primary aspects to focus on. Consequently, the centrifugal fan-related accessories are generally sorted into three categories. Let's dive into each category and outline the significance of the fundamental components


  1. Add-on Components for System Safety

Safety is of utmost paramount regardless of the specific application a centrifugal fan is performing. Thus, the range of safety-related accessories are essential to enhance the overall security without affecting daily tasks revolving around the work environment. Here are the main safety-centric accessories.

Protections uards - Commonly used fan guards and inlet/outlet guards shield the fan's rotating components, protecting users and assets from accidental contact.

Guards - Commonly used fan guards and inlet/outlet guards shield the fan's rotating components, protecting users and assets from accidental contact. Vibration Isolators - Help in reducing the transmission of vibrations to adjoined surfaces or objects, which not only deplete overall noise levels but also maintain the integrity of fan components over time. Motor Support Bases - These accessories support the fan motor, ensuring its proper alignment and optimum output potential without any compatibility is interfered by erroneous mounting or movement

Motor Support Bases - These accessories support the fan motor, ensuring its proper alignment and optimum output potential without any compatibility is interfered by erroneous mounting or movement.


  1. Controlling and Improving Efficiency

Numerous accessories are available to enhance and refine fan performance without compromising fan reliability or longevity. Such accessories depend primarily on the application type and customer requirements – yet, they are crucial parameters for maintaining overall system effectiveness. Some essential efficiency-centered enhancements to centrifugal fans include

Speed Controllers Fan's performance can be further fine-tuned, enabling the fan's and energy consumption rates to flexibly adapt as needed basis using speed controls or variable frequency drive (VFD), which is especially crucial in energy-intensive or constantly shifting industrial

DampersHelps to moderate the airflow rate and air pressure by enlarging or narrowing the fan outlet proportionally. They are beneficial for applications that have fluctuating demands, allowing frequent control of the air stream without disturbing the fan speed.


  1. Necessary maintenance and spare components

Like all other specialized industrial equipment, the centrifugal fan apparatus need regular checks and preservation through general replacement of components to guarantee optimum service life over time. Such elements, like regular centrifugal fan maintenance, are mandated by health and safety requirements, enhancing general performance stability indefinitely. Some of the valuable components deemed necessary are: filter component and bearings

Filter component

Replacement fan filters ensure a continuous flow of clean air and also limit the germs, pollutants, and particles that lead to wear on internal parts.


Since centrifugal fans can operate continuously for a prolonged duration, the bearings get subject to wear and tear. It is important to be aware of fan's lubrication intervals and know when it's replaced

In conclusion, selecting appropriate centrifugal fan accessories contributes immensely to enhancing performance efficiency, offering a safer environment, and delivering platform security over time. Decisive selections based on application necessities ensure smooth mechanics within manifold facets, adhering to industrial standards.

We at Meridiana Aspiratori operate with a multidisciplinary approach that puts our customer at the centre, starting with an in-depth analysis of his specific needs, from the organizational context and arriving at the identification of the most suitable and safest solution for optimal achievement of the final result.

The choice of one of our products is the beginning of a path shared with the customer, who from the very beginning gathers our support, in the analysis of his own need and then in the search for the most appropriate solution because, the installation of a fan, must have special attention in terms of safety and functionality.

Suction power, reliability, ease of use and silence:they are part of the guidelines we have followed, with particular attention to research and development, always focusing on innovation in continuously improving the functionality and ergonomics of the machines, but also to reduce noise, improve energy saving and develop excellent solutions according to different needs and problems in accordance with EC directives.

Meridiana Aspiratori is a historical Company and the only partner, since 1997, of the major Italian brands of electric fans, electric motors and industrial inverters in prompt delivery for Southern Italy and Islands. We also deal with the engineering of industrial suction systems, taking care of every detail and the needs of our customers because, for us, this means establishing a fiduciary relationship over time that goes beyond the simple purchase, representing a shared road to travel that meets transparency, fairness, honesty, respect, trust and innovation.

Thanks to our commitment and passion, we always succeed in guaranteeing the highest quality for our customers, always working to bring new technologies and resources to the market that can strengthen its brand and the idea of a company capable of maintaining itself at the top of the market and striving every day to continue to be the benchmark and guarantee its customers real benefits and satisfaction.

We commercialize products for industrial extraction and air treatment that are technologically advanced and developed with respect to safeguarding and sustainability. An important part of the company's policy concerns the search for means and systems capable of minimizing environmental impact.

It is our goal to maintain a high level of safety for the operator without indirectly causing pollution problems.

We turn to Italian production because we believe that quality is the fundamental principle for a company's efficiency and reliability. Our products are of high quality standard, guaranteed by materials and production strictly Made in Italy, meet all quality standards required by current regulations.

Because our mission is to find better and better solutions based on our experience and the use of new environmentally sustainable technologies, a methodology that is the basis of our company policy.
